Welcome to February.....

Welcome to February!

This month can be consumed by Valentines, but to me its more about how we can evolve our humans connections. If you are like me you tend to get that connection on a cell phone or in social media. Its normal to use these easy tools to stay connected. I don’t want to change your mind but what I do intend to do is give you a perspective on how to balance it all out.

So lets get this party started! This month lets take small steps to create deeper connections with those we love and with those future relationships. How do we add special intentions to create a deeper connection, and in return impact our mental health.

This is just the start to feeling better in all the ways! I am excited to explore this with all of you amazing Kindness Warriors! Follow our Intagram @be.kind.5 for daily inspiration!

If you are someone you knows is good at this please have them send in their story, we love to share all of the wins out in our Kindness Warrior World.

Lets goooooo,

Yours in kindness and gratitude,



Teresa Valley