Rising above the status quo

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My name is Teresa Valley, and I am the tribe leader of Girls Giving Back and Be Kind 5. Recently I read Seth Godin’s book Tribe and it really hit home. One of my favorite conversations to have is how to rise up out of the status quo and most importantly sustain or lead your tribe. Girls Giving Back has been on a mission for years to support shelters in their goals to rise above the status quo since 2009.

homeless data

Washington isn’t the top ranked state for homelessness we do have a considerable task at hand to provide solutions for our most vulnerable community members. While Washington state has made considerable efforts feedback from staff and residents report less than desirable conditions. That’s where Girls Giving Back steps in, our work has been centered on learning how we can help improve local shelter environments through renovations and as a tribe be there for the restorative growth of their residents. Our passion is to share love and kindness; through education and opportunity access. We hope this is evident in the way we lead within our community and how we link arms with our tribe to support our homeless shelters.

In my time in working with shelters, almost 10 years, I have seen that the people asking for help are often given very little, yet expectations for them to succeed are set so high by our society. At GGB it is our commitment to ask - how is it possible for a human to feel the energy and joy to make the changes necessary with so little? Giving our people who are experiencing homelessness the bare minimum - less structure, less resource and just that overall lack of abundance feeling is the status quo. There are so many excuses or explanations for this low level of support.

As a results GGB only partners with shelters who:

  • Have a desire to rise above the status quo

  • Are willing to make changes

  • Have a vision for the big picture

  • Practices are inclusive and equitable

GGB’s tribe of volunteers and staff focus on delivering the energetic boost, resources and tools for continuous improvement. Along with a belief that it is possible to adjust, grow and change for the better of humanity. Thanks to the GGB tribe, we have created a new status quo and it has been a gift to share this journey with everyone involved and with you!


Teresa Valley

Teresa Valley