4 Tomorrow; making your own path

We are partnering with 4 Tomorrow to explore and continue to push the narrative around mental health this month. We asked 4 Tomorrow founder Monik Martinez to share her thoughts on the mental health sector and this is what she had to say.

Mental health has always been prevalent in my life, whether that be through my own experiences or those around me, in which I always felt the need to help and support others. Because of this I decided to pursue a degree in Psychology. Although there was always doubt and pressure by my peers to pursue a more traditionally stable and “successful” career. I followed my gut not because I was sure I would make a lot of money or be successful but because it was what I was being called to do; it was my passion to help people.

It’s true, within the mental health field there are disparities and challenges like low compensation and burn out, but despite not knowing where I would end up, I took the leap of faith. I’m so glad I did because fast forward almost 10 years now, I’ve been fortunate enough to make my own path in this world, find a career that makes me happy, and a job that feeds my passion for helping others: 4 Tomorrow. We work to connect our community to quality and culturally sensitive mental health care and services to improve someone's overall well-being. 

I studied psychology in college even though there were naysayers doubting the success or impact that the degree could bring. My family wanted me to pursue a career in something traditionally affluent or stable like a Doctor or Accountant. I followed my gut not because I was sure I would make a lot of money or I would be successful but because it was what I was being called to do; it was my passion to help people. It’s true, within the mental health field there are disparities and challenges like low compensation and burn out, but despite not knowing where I would end up, I took the leap of faith. I’m so glad I did because fast forward almost 10 years now, I’ve been fortunate enough to make my own path in this world, find a career that makes me happy, and feed my passion for helping others. There is no better success story than finding what you are meant to do in this life. I hope that everyone allows themselves to be open and seize the opportunities that enable them to figure out what that is.

- Monik, 4 Tomorrow

4 Tomorrow

4 Tomorrow is a Latino and Youth focused organization based in Bellevue that serves East King County. Our mission is to ensure our communities overall well-being by providing culturally sensitive support and coordination.

Purpose: To provide assistance and resources that help our community members navigate systems, overcome barriers & build self-sufficiency.

4 Tomorrow envisions a vibrant and safe community where:

  • Individuals have access to tools & support in order to achieve long and short-term goals

  • Individuals have access to quality and culturally sensitive healthcare and mental health

  • Youth and Latinx communities can organize to amplify their collective voice to build a better tomorrow

Kalika Curry